Wednesday, 2 September 2015

W/c 24th August: Loose Ends

This update is coming late because I've been away on holiday ( it was great thanks), and didn't much fancy announcing the fact over the internet. Also, school holidays mean I'll be off the rest of this week, so there won't be an update til a week Friday (the 11th), since you probably aren't interested in my holiday snaps!

Given this, the week is something of an inflection point: a time to draw a line under old things, rather than starting anything new. So, although the grip data has reached a really exciting point - exploratory analysis complete, theorising and model-building ready to start - and a new MyRIO for FATKAT has arrived, allowing me to start rewriting the software, I've actually spent most of this week drawing a line under a review for the Journal of Engineering Design, making new grip surfaces for FATKAT, preparing handouts for teaching and papers for CWUAAT. A whole load of items finished, a load of new stuff to pick up on my return. See you then!

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