Saturday, 12 December 2015

The End of the End. Of term.

And so, term ends. Not teaching, though: marking still remains to be done, and project students are still around. Still, it is much reduced. The temptation is to drop it all,  head back to research: get on with developing new ideas - but that's unwise. This is a funny time, with Christmas not far off, and only 8 working days left. It's a better time for drawing a line,  finishing tasks off, rather than starting afresh.

Of course, it's not like research hasn't been going on. We've just had a proposal to the DfT funded to do research on wearable haptic aids for navigation. It's only a small grant, but it'll let us lay the groundwork for larger grants by exploring user needs. We've also got two journal  papers nearly in: one on interceptive movents in children, and one on reach-to-grasp movements. None of which I can expand on here until they're accepted, but with a bit of luck, I'll be able to outline or thinking once it's all under peer review.

There's plenty to do over the next two weeks, but it's all bits and pieces. I'll try to get up a Year in Review post before Christmas. Until then: have fun!

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