Saturday, 16 January 2016

w/c 11th Jan: a week in pieces

This is what I've been looking at for much of the week: nuts, bolts and Lego! That's because FATKAT manipulandum 2.0 is coming together. The design is done, ready for final build next week. Final for this iteration, anyway. It's a Frankenstein's Monster made of off-the-shelf components. I'm confident now that we can get a slimmer, more elegant, laser cut shell on the same chassis, but that's for the future. Right now, the emphasis is having something good enough ready for Will to start testing on the 25th. The watchword (er, watchphrase? Watchslogan?) of the engineer is "fit for purpose".

While that's been a big chunk of my week, it hasn't been all of it. I've been knocking up a foot force measuring system using an Arduino for Callum Mole. I've been marking interim reports, and I've been reading theses and organising vivas. I got through two theses this week (albeit corrected ones that had already been examined), and have arranged not one but THREE upcoming vivas that I will be examining in the next two months. Theses are big documents, but the nature of doctoral research at least means they are always interesting! On to next week, when I've an exam to mark, and sadly I won't be at the LUDI meeting in Aosta...

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