Friday, 12 February 2016

w/c 8th Feb: Exhibitions and Open Days

February is one of our busiest times of the year. Open days are in full swing, coursework from the end of last semester needs marking (noting that Semester 1 ends at the end of the January exam period - not Christmas), and new coursework is being set. And teaching needs to be delivered and research and papers and admin, of course. And the undergraduate projects are in full swing now: and this week it was exhibition time. The level 3 Product Design students had their interim exhibition on Thursday, which meant seven solid hours of viva and marking; the level 4 team projects were demonstrating their progress.

All busy times, but also the point where projects become very real: moving from theory to prototype. It's a satisfying point. Had I thought more about it, I'd have taken some photos to share. But I was so busy marking it totally slipped my mind - there's a lesson for next year!

What else this week? Sixteen hours of teaching, seven of marking, five of reading theses and four of applicant day didn't leave a lot of spare time. I did, however manage to attend a presentation by the IMechE's Denis Healy on getting registered for CEng. It's been on my mind for a while now: I'll have been graduated 15 years this summer. It's about time I put myself forward, or I never will.

And WHISPER, of course. I've finalised the design of the Wearable Haptic Assessment Toolkit (WHAT - I couldn't resist it). I just need to get the parts and build them now. Exciting times!

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