Thursday, 30 November 2017

Month in Review: November 2017

As you will notice, I came within a hair's (well, a day's!) breadth of missing my two post target! Posting two days in a row isn't brilliant spacing, but never mind! Such is the nature of November: this November in particular.

This is one of those periods of "peak teach" I've discussed before. Projects are in full swing; early assignments are in for marking, later assignments are being finalised and set; exams are due (I wrote mine over the summer, but a late change in regs meant writing an extra question at short notice!); lectures and tutorials must be delivered; applicant days have begun. On top of that, we had an accreditation meeting this week. And no less than three seminars at the University have cropped up.

All good, but it all means a fine balancing act. A new grant due to start in January means finalising budgets, advertising jobs, and booking a trip to Sweden. More on that in due course.

Amongst all this, there have been three significant research events. The grand finale of the Tracking People AHRC network ran at the start of November - I wrote about my thoughts on this in the previous post, so I won't go further here.

On the Apex grant that Stuart Murray and I are working on, we've just had a copy of the Ada hand printed, which is really exciting. And my PhD student, Latif Azyze, has just some exciting results on handwriting forces.

Busy, busy, busy - but all good stuff. Roll on December, eh?

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