Friday, 5 January 2018

2018: Year in Preview

Happy New Year! As is customary, I will start the year not with New Years Resolutions, but with a few goals that will guide me through the tear. As always, a simple bulleted list, in no particular order:

On the Blog
* At least 24 posts - the same as last year.
* At least 2 posts per month - to avoid having gluts followed by long silences.
* At least 1 non-review post per month: this is challenging, but I found that the "tick-tock" model of one monthly review and one "other" post worked out pretty well. The other posts are likely to continue being a bit random, and probably will still crop up at the end of the month when time is running out, but it at least encourages me to get my thoughts down on various topics.

* Deliver the SUITCEYES and APEX projects.
* Submit at least five grant applications as either PI or Co-I: this is a bit ambitious, since I've got several live projects to deliver on this year, but it doesn't hurt to try...
* Submit at least two *more* papers to high quality journals (resubmitting the ones under review don't count).
* Get the MagONE force sensor incorporated into FATKAT.
* Get BIGKAT (the new generation of PSAT that incorporates prehensile as well as postural measures) up and running.
* Continue to develop the grip model to address feedback and corrections: This, having no direct funding attached to it, remains the poor cousin to other work 

* Make some inventions: And get back into Leeds Hackspace while I'm at it. I haven't been for about eighteen months. 
* Formulate a reading list for the Engineering Imagination.
These are two that got dropped last year: let's see if I do any better this time...

This is going to be a demanding year. It certainly has the potential to be an exciting one...
Here goes!

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