Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Month in Review: February 2018

It's been at once a busy month, and a slow month. One of those "doing much, but getting little done" months - or at least, doing much but getting little finished. There are lectures and open days to deliver, undergraduate exhibitions to assess, PhD students to supervise, ethics applications and conference papers to review: all the day-to-day running of an academic life. The major news this month (leaving aside strikes) has of course been SUITCEYES: we had our a mini-advisory board meeting to discuss potential use cases and get a steer on the best directions we might take, and thinking about how we might deliver them, leading to discussion documents and a couple of interesting Skype calls with various organiksations, and lots of interesting thinking, but little concrete to share.

So, I'm having an interesting time, even if I can't find much to say about it!

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