Sunday, 1 April 2018

Month in Review: March 2018

Ooops. I managed to miss my "two posts a month" target in March, albeit only by a day. Anyway, it's been a busy month with not a huge amount of specifics to report. As noted in my last post, I was down to Westminster for the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Assistive Technology: other than that there's been the usual end of term rush, planning for the Summer Showcase, advertising for Research Fellows, sorting out employment paperwork, and one PhD student (Awais Hafeez) has passed his transfer viva, while another has passed his final viva (Haikal Sitepu) - congratulations to both! The main thing that has kept me busy though is implementing the controller for SUITCEYES, which I'm pleased to say is coming along nicely and will be tested in Amsterdam next month. Sorry, *this* month, since it's now April. Of course, half of this month is School holidays, so I've a fair bit of annual leave, plus the two days in Amsterdam, plus a day's round-trip to Dundee. I'll keep you posted!

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