Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Merry Christmas one and all...

Well,  I'd had it in mind to write two blog posts before the end of the year (other than one to say "Merry Christmas"): one on the robotics facility launch,  and one on FATKAT - the Finger and Thumb Kinetic Assessment tool (the device formerly known as "the manipulandum").

But as ever,  my posting plans have gang aglee, due to the end of term rush and the need to nurse two theses to submission, and away days and grant proposals. Somehow, blog posts are always bottom of the list! But I say that every time,  if course.

Suffice to say that in January I'll give a 2014 retrospective and see how things figured out against the goals I set last January: and what I hope will come out of 2015. And I'll give you that long awaited  FATKAT update.

For now,  this is just a placeholder to remind you that the blog is still alive, I haven't forgotten it - and of course, to wish you all a Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year.

And in true Columbo fashion, there's just one more thing: you should really,  really check out the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures this year.  They are given by the University of Manchester's Danielle George, and is all about Hacking the Home. They chime nicely with the Calderdale event I blogged about from September,  and she hits the notes on playfulness and experimentation that have got me so excited in my recent discussions on the Maker Movement.

And if that doesn't tempt you,  then surely the prospect of a robot orchestra playing the Dr Who theme (inspired by and including our very own Dr Andy Jackson's robo-bass player!) will. I'm looking forward to it!

Anyway, peace and goodwill to all men,  women and robots: I'm signing of to eat mince pies,  turkey and Christmas pud, and keep my fingers crossed that Santa's got a wi-fi adapter and TFT touchscreen for my Raspberry Pi.


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