Friday, 3 April 2015

Weekly Updates

It seems like every time I post, I apologise for taking so long to get round to it. I've already noted that Blogging goes invariably to the bottom of the To Do list - posts are slowly crafted over a long period, and finally uploaded after many long delays. I've also noted that Twitter is quite a good way of addressing this - activities and thoughts can be shared quickly, albeit in little depth. Part of the reason for this is that I try to address fairly lengthy topics - approaching each post almost as if it were an article in its own right. I'm the same with emails - I start to compose lengthy replies, and it takes a week or two to respond to someone. On email, I'm trying to address this by giving short, immediate responses (even if it just says "Thanks - it'll be a week or two before I can look at this"). At least that way, people know I've received their email, and I'm not just ignoring them.

A blog is a little bit different. There seems to be little point in me popping up every week or two just to say "Busy - will write more soon!", so I thought I'd try posting short, regular updates about what I've been busy doing. Part of the inspiration for this was the observation from a colleague that we don't do enough to celebrate our achievements: once we've got something done, we tend to move onto the next item on the To Do list, and the focus is forever on how far behind we are - what still needs to be done, not on what has actually been achieved. Twitter helps - a day of FATKAT testing results in a short stream of tweets, which is a nice way of shouting about it, but I thought, since I always try to take a bit of time to look back and forwards at the end of each week, I might as well share this via the Blog. That isn't to say that larger Blog posts will go the journey (I see this as an addition, rather than a replacement), but it's a good way of actually showing that the Blog is alive, rather than abandoned. We'll see how it goes!

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