Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Month commencing 1st Feb

In a bid to offset my failure to blog twice in January, I am going to blog thrice in February in order to at least claim that I am meeting my goals on average. Also, the end of the month seems like a good time to draw a retrospective.

And it's been quite a month. A Visiting Lecturer, Open Days, a new project for my Level 2 students to get underway, reviewing a grant proposal, writing a conference paper (after the deadline was extended at the last minute and I thought I'd have time), decoding some experimental data (which meant learning MATLAB), a prospective Horizon 2020 bid, my Staff Review and two workshops. All over and above the usual teaching and PhD student supervision. Busy, busy times.

It's those two workshops that were the highlight of the month. The first of these was the start of the Augmenting the Body Wellcome Trust seed project. Not to be confused with the related Augmenting the Body  Sadler Seminar series which is closely related. This was the big kick-off as Stuart Murray, Sophie Jones, Amelua de Falco, Peter Culmer and I (from Leeds), Luna Dolezal (from Exeter) and Tony Prescott and Michael Szollosy (from Sheffield) spent a day talking about our work, our interests and where we see the project going. Really exciting, and thought provoking.

The second worlshop was Amelia's 2nd Future of Care workshop: a presentation from the Foundation for Responsible Robotics' co-founder Aimee van Wynsberghe on The Ethics of Ethical Robots. In other words, whether we should programme robots with ethical principles. A really thought-provoking talk (my brain has been working hard this month!). It introduced me to Value-centred Design, which was new to me, but might well be a useful tool for my students.

Anyway, coming up in March: the final month of PSAT development (at least in the current project), full steam ahead on a Horizon 2020 bid (I hope) and Michael Szollosy and I will be tackling Rosi Bardotti's The Posthuman on Twitter - stay tuned!

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