Friday, 3 February 2017

Month commencing 1st Jan

So here we are: not five weeks into 2017 and I've already missed my "2 blog posts a month" target. It's my own fault (obviously - whose would it be otherwise?): I was trying for be clever by posting my update on the 31st, and then I was so busy on the 31st, I just didn't get a chance. By the 1st, the target was missed, so it just didn't seem as urgent.

Anyway, what have I been so busy with?

Teaching, mostly: I've had an exam and several pieces of coursework to mark (and I still have about 20 hours of marking to look forward to in the next week or so!) new lectures to write since I've started a new UG project this year (two more to write... nearly there...). And there's been the first of our next run of Open Days, which meant slides to update, and students on industrial placement to visit. And project students: a new build of FATKAT is now up and (thankfully) running.

It hasn't been all teaching, though: I've been learning both R and Matlab in my spare time, and poking around in a new dataset that needs processing and analysis. Stuart Murray and I put in a bid to the British Council's Apex scheme (which was mostly the work of Stuart, admittedly!). I've also had some good contacts following up on tracking and Augmenting the Body.

And PSAT has been... well, full steam ahead. Casings have needed designing (care of ReSolve and Smartboxx), last set of parts ordering, and it has survived it's first run of field testing with only minor repairs ready for more testing this month!

And of course, you're no doubt wondering how my Deleuze and Guattari blog post is getting on. It's getting: I'm on 4000 words, and I've just about finished dealing with the introduction. Luckily, the introduction is most of what needs discussing. So it is getting on.

Crumbs: looking back on that, it's been a busy month, hasn't it? I'm starting to see why I missed that deadline for this blog post. Will I manage three in February to compensate? Only time will tell...

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