Thursday, 29 June 2017

2016.5: Mid-Year Review

It's halfway through the year, and this seems as good a time as any to take stock of where I've got up to as regards the goals I've set myself for 2017.

Let's take them in turn...

On the Blog 

* At least 24 posts - the same as last year: This is technically post 13, although I did have a slightly naughty "placeholder" post in April. Even so, that'd still make me on course for 24 posts this year if I keep up my current rate.

* At least 2 posts per month:
 Well, I failed that in the first month, though I have at least managed to average 2 posts a month, and 2 is my median and mode for posts per month!

* At least 4 non-review posts:
I've made three, so far: with reflections on Deleuze and Guattari, Braidotti's The Posthuman (at least, the first half!), and some design challenges in tracking people.

* Deliver the Tracking People and Augmenting the Body projects: Basically, done!
* Submit at least five grant applications as either PI or Co-I: I'm on three at the moment, with at least two more in the pipeline, so I should be good to go here.
* Submit at least two papers to high quality journals. Ouch. Haven't done this one yet. Need to actually start writing things up over the summer!
* Get the new iteration of FATKAT into experimental use: Done - or at least doing. My PhD student Latif is preparing to get some experiments underway, and there are plans to look at using it to instrument experimental tools.
* Get PSAT (the postural sway assessment tool) finished and field tested: Done! Two PSAT units have been in the field, and used to conduct over 280 trials now, with more planned. Hurrah!
* Adapt our grip model to address feedback and corrections: This is for the summer, I guess!

* Get an "Engineering Imagination" discussion group up and running for postgraduate students in iDRO. 
* Make some inventions.
* Formulate a reading list for the Engineering Imagination.
Yeah, none of these have happened. I've got a big list of potential books to put together on my Engineering Imagination list, so perhaps this will be a blog post for the second half of the year.

So, What Next?
Well, over the summer, aside from all the usual admin and prep for next year, I have a few concrete things to do, particularly on the CPD front!

1) Get started with AnyBody: I've been talking about this with Claire Brockett for ages, linking up kinetic measures to postural data from biomechanics simulator AnyBody, so I've finally taken the plunge and got it installed on my PC in anticipation of potential undegraduate projects. I'll be working through the tutorials this summer.

2) Learn I2C programming: I need this for the MagOne force sensor projects I'm supervising this summer (since the MagOne uses I2C to communicate). I understand the theory behind I2C communication, but I've never actually used it in anger. Time to change that!

3) Programme a Neural Network: Again, I "know" what a neural network is, and I know (in theory) how they work. What I've never done is actually worked through the process of implementing one, so time permitting, I'll be trying to get a simple one up and running on some example projects.

4) Get PSAT up and running: Two PSATs are in the field, which is great, but there are three more awaiting finalising and PAT testing and calibration. That'll certainly keep me going.

Let's see how it goes, eh?

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