Saturday, 24 June 2017

4 Weeks Commencing the 23rd of May

This is always a busy time of year. Dissertations have to be read, vivas conducted, coursework marked, and there can be no (or very little) kicking the can: marks must be ready for the external examiner sign-off at the final exam board. Almost every other deadline has some flexibility, but this one is absolute. So one way or another, the end of May and most of June is pedal to the metal. Such are the rhythms of the academic year.

In amongst this, as you will know if you have follow me on Twitter, we have had the grand finale of the Augmenting the Body Sadler Seminar Series, with Margrit Shildrick returning for the second time in just under twelve months, this time talking about the Human Biome; and the third and final seminar for the Tracking People network, at least prior to the conference on the 9th of November which represents its culmination. Not to mention the Cognitive Archaeology meet-up I mentioned in my last post, and a Robotics at Leeds Away Day.

Plus, PSAT has now survived PAT testing, and two have been out into schools this last week. We can officially claim to have a fleet! And two undergradute students have started work with me for the summer investigating applications for Pete Culmer et al's MagOne sensor, in FATKAT and Seating. I'm really excited about the potential there.

So what I'm saying is that it's been even busier than usual this year, albeit also more exciting (in a good way). And for the second year running, someone decided to throw a major vote into the running. Never a dull moment, eh?

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