Friday, 31 July 2015

Week in Review: 27th July

It's been a productive week, despite the school holidays meaning I was only in three days. This week, we managed to get an NIHR proposal submitted, a forthcoming EPSRC proposal reviewed and off my desk (I'm a co-Investigator in both cases, so I can't take all the credit, but I've put a good few hours in in each!), I've had a very exciting meeting with Khemeia consulting about commercialising some of my work (details are confidential but it's all exciting).

The main achievement though, has been writing LabVIEW code to automatically process kinematic data from 1620 optotrak files of reach-to-grasp movements. The aim is to see if the model Mark Mon-Williams and I have come up with for pre-contact movements is supported by the data. I've got all working, I'm pleased to say: next week, I just need to identify suitable initial parameters for curve-fitting, and I should be able to test our hypothesis... I'm excited!

And on a side note, today was my last day as Programme Manager for Product Design, after eight years in the role. Not that it meant much in practice: Having been ill for most of the last three months, I've been de facto out of the role since April, and of course, by July, virtually all the admin work is under the bridge. Still, it's been a big part of my job for the last eight years  (80% of my time as an academic, nearly a quarter of my life and fully two thirds of the time the course has existed!), so I thought I'd write up a proper post reflecting on my time. It's a  lot longer than these updates, so it takes longer to write, but keep your eyes peeled for it next week!

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